Knowledge is a weapon: Innovation Medal 2016 – Acceptance Speech
Knowledge is a weapon
Innovation Medal 2016 – Acceptance Speech
Your Honours
the Minister,
the Chairman of the CNRS,
the Presidents and Vice-Presidents,
the Directors of Institutes,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Receiving the Innovation Medal 2016 is, in my eyes, so much more than a personal accolade.
Most of all, it marks the coming-of-age of what is now a twenty-year-old movement, but which has long remained on the sidelines: the open access movement, that is to say digital publishing stripped of any technical, legal or commercial barrier to the reader.
It is also about recognising the crucial role that the humanities and social sciences play in our understanding of the world. Understanding the world in its immense complexity: that is a noble and necessary ambition – both for the mind and for action. Because understanding the world is the first step towards changing it. In these troubled times, more than ever before, knowledge is a weapon – the most noble and pacific of weapons. And OpenEdition is our canon of common ideas.
That applies to all the domains which OpenEdition promotes through its 400 journals on, its 3,000 books on OpenEdition Books, its 1,500 research blogs on Hypotheses, and its 30,000 events on Calenda. The field is vast.
From the environmental sciences to the sociology of religions, from sustainable development to communications issues, from the French Journal of Pedagogy to the history of women and gender, from the sociology of work to the study of the relations indigenous peoples have with their environment, from research against poverty to sinology, from research in economics to studies on the transformations of family life, from the study of the Muslim worlds to the anthropology of health, from public ethics to geography, from African studies to rural studies, from American studies to inaugural lectures delivered at the Collège de France … This random sample should whet your appetite. It indicates the fundamental areas of research and the stakes involved when it comes to how society appropriates these results.
But all knowledge would be invisible were it padlocked behind tolls. It would be sterile, restricted to a few oases of knowledge in a desert of ignorance.
Thanks to open access, OpenEdition attracted 30 million unique visitors in 2015, i.e. 30 million readers. The 10 000 authors published on the OpenEdition platforms have thus been connected to their readership, their whole readership. Not a bad result for a literature with a reputation for being soporific, er … I mean “scientific”!
Receiving the Innovation Medal 2016 is also an opportunity to underline the close cooperation that exists between the human and social sciences and information science, which is way to do digital humanities. In concert with Patrice Bellot, we are leading research & development programmes co-funded by Investments for the Future and Google.
Receiving the Innovation Medal 2016 is also an opportunity to thank the institutions that have placed their trust in us: the University of Avignon, the EHESS, the CNRS, Aix-Marseille University, and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
Last, but definitely not least, receiving the Innovation Medal 2016 is an opportunity to thank all the fellow travellers who believed in this adventure that is the wide and open diffusion of knowledge. Despite what some claim, society has never read more than it does today. It’s up to us to feed it with sound and comprehensible content arising out of the best research, and, more generally, with bibliodiversity.
None of this would have been possible without the contribution of over 200 people. I first and foremost wish to thank all the members of the Centre for Open Electronic Publishing (Cléo), past and present, as well as the members of OpenEdition’s Academic Boards. Through their skills and day-to-day work, through their expertise and dynamism, they have striven to build what has become a research infrastructure of international scope.
I cannot conclude before thanking those close to me, who were there when the storm was rumbling, and most of all Antonin, Ludivine and Lili. They know very well that without them, nothing would have been possible.
I hope I have whetted your appetite for knowledge and convinced you to drink, every day, at the spring of the humanities and social sciences. If knowledge is a weapon, that is because it is food for the mind.
Video (in French)
Marin Dacos, directeur d’OpenEdition par CNRS
Thank you
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to OpenEdition (1999–2016)!
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